Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI)


Ηomeopathic Academy is:

-A Μember of the Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI).

But, what exactly is the  Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, in a few words? More information at the website

Legal form

Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis is an international, non-profit Homeopathic Association that brings together the National Homeopathic Medical Associations and represents homeopathic physicians in more than 70 countries. It was founded in Rotterdam in 1925.


– The promotion and establishment of Homeopathic Medicine globally.
– The creation of a strong link between all homeopathic physicians of Homeopathic Scientific Associations and people who are interested in Homeopathy.


-The creation of an international catalogue of homeopathic training programs.
-The promotion of a program of educational standards regarding Homeopathic Medicine
-The promotion of high quality scientific research globally
-The promotion of the exchange of scientific research globally
-The establishment of instructions for Provings
-The establishment of a positive attitude from the public towards Homeopathy
-The inclusion of Homeopathic Medicine on the primary and secondary Health Aid


In March 2013, the Liga Medicorum Homoeopathical Internationalis (LMHI) moved its statutory seat from Geneva, Switzerland, to the original house of Dr Samuel Hahnemann in Koethen (Anhalt), Germany.  (06366 Köthen, Wallstrasse 47,Germany)


 1. Institutions:

Institutional Members are National Homeopathic Organizations and Institutions. Their Members should be medical physicians, veterinary surgeons, dental surgeons, and pharmacists trained in Homeopathy and holding a full degree in the respective field, recognized by the LHMI.

2. Individual Members:

Only physicians whose country does not have a national organization through which they can obtain Institutional Membership can be registered as Individual Members.

Current Board of Directors


Dr. Renzo Galassi, Italy

Vice President:

Dr. Alok Pareek, India

Geeral Secretary:

Dr. Jelka Milic, Croatia


Dr Altunay Agaoglu

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